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About Juliana

Juliana Outes Velarde is a Senior Data Steward at the Government Outcomes Lab, at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. She leads the work of the International Network on Data for Impact and Government Outcomes - INDIGO - a data and learning collaborative with the goal of collecting more and better data for better social outcomes. Her work is motivated by a desire to understand what are the best practices to improve the use of data and evidence in the design of social policies and programmes.

Before joining the Government Outcomes Lab, Juliana worked as a civil servant in different public offices in Argentina, such as the Public Innovation Secretary. Her work was related with the design and implementation of the National Plan of Modernisation for the public sector. She also worked for the government of her province, Salta, and briefly participated as a research assistant in the Interdisciplinary Programme for Human Development and Inclusion of the Faculty of Economics, Catholic University of Argentina.

Juliana completed a Masters in Politics, Big Data and Quantitative Methods at the University of Warwick in 2020 and holds a degree in International Relations from the Catholic University of Argentina. She is particularly interested in understanding how academic organisations can support governments, and how a data stewardship model can both enhance the quality of data assets and curate a meaningful conversation around the social outcomes data ecosystem.

Outes Velarde, J., Nagarajan, S., Carter, E., Gibson, M., & Macdonald, J. R. (2022) INDIGO Impact Bond Insights – Third edition, Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford, Blavatnik School of Government.

L. Savell, E. Carter, M. Airoldi, C. FitzGerald, S. Tan, J. Outes Velarde and J. R. Macdonald, (2022) Understanding outcomes funds: A guide for practitioners, governments and donors, Government Outcomes Lab, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Outes Velarde, J., Hameed, T., Airoldi, M., Carter, E., Gibson, M., & Macdonald, J. R. (2022) INDIGO Impact Bond Insights - January 2022. Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford

C. FitzGerald, T. Hameed, F. Rosenbach, J.R. Macdonald, J. Outes Velarde & R. Dixon. (2021). An Introduction to Life Chances Fund projects and their early adaptations to COVID-19: Life Chances Fund Evaluation Interim Report, UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

Outes Velarde, J., Gramani, M., Bernardes, I., Caceres, G., Chatterjee, I., Domingos, F., Gibson, M., Ixer, W., Moodley, G., Nimble, N., Sen, A., Uddin, J., Verma, S. and Wamba, V. B. (2021) Hack and Learn Technical and Learning Report - September 2021. Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford

Outes Velarde, J., Airoldi, M., Carter, E., Gibson, M., Hameed, T. & Macdonald, J. R. (2021)INDIGO Impact Bond Insights July 2021. Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford

Outes Velarde, J., Macdonald, J. R., Begamudre Krishnamurthy, G., Bernardes, I., Crowley, L., Deodato Domingos, F., Dickson, R., Fagundes Portela, C., Gramani, M., Ma, N., Olson, H., Pimenta, A., Rosenbach, F. (2021) Hack and Learn Technical and Learning Report - March 2021. Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford, Bertha Centre, University of Cape Town, Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy, Ashoka University, Beeck Center of Social Impact and Innovation, University of Georgetown, Insper Metricis

Macdonald, J.R., Tye, C., Outes Velarde, J. Tiplady, B., Meek, J., (2020) Exploring Social Investment - An INDIGO Technical & Learning Report. Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford & Big Issue Invest