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16:00-16:05 Welcome
Chair Anne Davies, University of Oxford
A reminder of the fast-approaching 30 April deadline for GO Lab’s Social Outcomes Conference call for papers and a special announcement: Professor Joseph Stiglitz will deliver the keynote address at the Social Outcomes Conference.
16:05-16:45 Presentation and response panel: system-level learning in a procurement system
Prompt for Presentation and Discussion: We expect a lot from our public procurement system. How does one know if the public procurement system is working at a regional level or national level? Who gets to know and what do they do with that knowledge?
16:05-16:10 Context setting
Ruairi Macdonald, GO Lab Researcher: issues of ‘oversight’, shared accountability, transparency, and learning in response to the UK Government’s Green Paper, ‘Transforming Public Procurement’.
16:10-16:25 Presentation
Nicolás Penagos, Head of the MAPS Secretariat, OECD
16:25-16:45 Panel comments / discussion
Abby Semple, Procurement Analysis
Mark Roddan, Head of Procurement; North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils
Christopher Yukins, Professor in Government Procurement Law, George Washington University Law School
Nicolás Penagos, Head of the MAPS Secretariat, OECD
16:45-17:55 Q&A / Open group discussion.
17:00 Meeting closed by Chair
Please contact Ruairi Macdonald or Leigh Crowley if you have any questions. We are open to suggestions for topics for future sessions.
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