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13.00 BST Welcome
Laura Bonsaver (Government Outcomes Lab)
13.05 BST Context setting
Mara Airoldi (Government Outcomes Lab)
13.10 BST Introduction to outcomes-based contracting readiness frameworks
Louise Savell (Social Finance)
13.15 BST Outcomes-based contracting readiness frameworks: key findings from the research
Caitlin Williams and María Alejandra Urrea (Social Finance)
13.40 BST Panel discussion with policymakers & practitioners
The panel discussion will be moderated by the Government Outcomes Lab and will feature a mix of experts from across different sectors and countries. Discussion will be based on three main themes:
Celeste Brubaker (Village Enterprise), Mila Lukic (Bridges Outcomes Partnerships), Nicole Pflock (Instiglio), Radana Crhova, (FCDO), Vera Cristina Caspari Monteiro (São Paolo Law School)
14.25 BST Closing remarks
Mara Airoldi (Government Outcomes Lab)
14.30 BST Close
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