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16:00-16:05 Welcome
Chair Anne Davies, University of Oxford
16:05-16:40 Presentation and Response Panel: How might types of organisational/institutional culture predict or explain tension
Prompt for Presenter and Response Panel: Viewed through a lens of ‘culture’ are there tensions between (i) commercial and public or social value considerations (ii) transactional and partnership / relational working and/or (iii) central oversight and local leadership?
16:05-16:20 Presentation: Ruth Dixon, Research Fellow; Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford
Presentation: Introduction to ‘grid-group’ culture theory, how might types of organisational/institutional culture predict or explain tension
16:20-16:55 Response Panel
16:20-16:25 Trevor Brown, Dean of the John Glenn College of Public Affairs; Ohio State University
16:25-16:30 Joyce Liddle, Professor of Public Leadership/Enterprise, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University
16:30 -16:35 Patrick Maes; VDAB
16:35-16:40 Q&A and Group Discussion
16:40-16:55 Presentation of the POGO Law Reform Working Group’s Green Paper Response
A special thank you to all the group members that sent comments on the Green Paper.
16:40-16:50 Anne Davies and Ruairi Macdonald, present the Green Paper response
16:50-16:55 Q&A and Group Discussion.
16:55-17:00 Next steps for submission
17:00 Meeting closed by Chair
Please contact Ruairi Macdonald or Leigh Crowley if you have any questions.
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