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Hack-and-Learn summer 2021

Session 1: Kick-off session, 23 August 2021 1pm BST. 

At this summer's Hack-and-Learn Kick-off session, you will have the chance to meet fellow data and policy enthusiasts, to discover what each of the challenges entail and to join a hack team. Each challenge leader from either the Government Outcomes Lab or one of our partners will present and propose their challenge to the group via Zoom, inviting anyone interested to join. 

The Kick-off Session will also include an orientation to the INDIGO data collaborative project, data standards, and datasets. Coders and data analysts will also get a better overview of our open-source database and visualisations code on GitHub. They will able to join a team of fellow coders from around the globe to use open-source tools, such as Gephi or Plotly. Data novices on the other hand are not required to know how to code. We will explain everything and provide a space for you to learn! 

You will then have two weeks to partner up with a hack team (or teams!) and work together to tackle an issue around data within a social outcomes project. 

Session 2: Show and Tell, 9 September 2021 3:30pm BST. 

At the end of the two weeks, on 9 September 3:30 pm BST we will host a Show and Tell session. The session will be part of this year's Social Outcomes Conference. All the hack teams will have a chance to share their outputs, challenges, and insights. This will include any of the stunning data, visualisations and sankey diagrams created over the two weeks as well as any additional reflections or findings that people discovered along the way. 

Sign up now to the Hack-and-Learn Kick-off session and you will receive a Zoom code for the Show and Tell event closer to the time. This event will be followed by an informal social. All are welcome!

Session 3: Peer Learning session, 4 November 2021

The Government Outcomes Lab team and our partners will present a Technical and Learning report to all participants and INDIGO members which will include reflections from the Show and Tell session and lessons learnt from the overall Hack-and-Learn event. Any participant who wants to share their story is welcome to contribute as co-author of this report.