Bruno Robino
Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank
Bruno is Head of fi-compass at the European Investment Bank, leading the team implementing a unique advisory platform on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds. Combining the experience gained in the private sector, at the European Commission (EC), at the European Investment Fund (EIF) and at the European Investment Bank (EIB), Bruno cumulates more than 30 years of direct involvement in financial instruments focusing on SMEs, access to finance, innovation, venture capital and private equity, debt and guarantee products, microfinance and social impact investing as well as in the provision of technical assistance and capacity building services.
Since 2019, Bruno has been steering the Social Outcome Contracting platform, under the European Investment Advisory Hub, which aims to raise awareness and provide support in the development and use of social outcomes contracting, including social impact bonds and payment-by-results.
Prior to EIB, Bruno spent eight years at EIF acting as Head of Region for JEREMIE financial instruments in Italy, France, Malta and Spain: he was instrumental in the launch and follow-up of nine JEREMIE Holding Fund operations. Bruno joined EIF in 2000 and, as an investment manager, carried out investments in venture capital and private equity funds in the Benelux, the UK, France, Italy, Greece and Spain, holding several advisory board positions in various risk capital funds. Previously, spent six years as an advisor to the EC for initiatives related to innovation financing for SMEs in the framework of the INNOVATION Programme.
In 2007, Bruno was appointed Adjunct Professor lecturing on Innovation Management at the Master of Business Administration programme of the John F. Welch College of Business - Sacred Heart University in Luxembourg. He is a regular guest lecturer on topics related to financial instruments at SDA Bocconi School of Management and at European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). Bruno holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management and an MBA and is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian.