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Evidence & insights from the experience with social outcomes contracts in Europe
Bruno Robino

Bruno Robino

Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank

Bruno is Head of fi-compass at the European Investment Bank, leading the team implementing a unique advisory platform on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds. Combining the experience gained in the private sector, at the European Commission (EC), at the European Investment Fund (EIF) and at the European Investment Bank (EIB), Bruno cumulates more than 30 years of direct involvement in financial instruments focusing on SMEs, access to finance, innovation, venture capital and private equity, debt and guarantee products, microfinance and social impact investing as well as in the provision of technical assistance and capacity building services.

Since 2019, Bruno has been steering the Social Outcome Contracting platform, under the European Investment Advisory Hub, which aims to raise awareness and provide support in the development and use of social outcomes contracting, including social impact bonds and payment-by-results.

Prior to EIB, Bruno spent eight years at EIF acting as Head of Region for JEREMIE financial instruments in Italy, France, Malta and Spain: he was instrumental in the launch and follow-up of nine JEREMIE Holding Fund operations. Bruno joined EIF in 2000 and, as an investment manager, carried out investments in venture capital and private equity funds in the Benelux, the UK, France, Italy, Greece and Spain, holding several advisory board positions in various risk capital funds. Previously, spent six years as an advisor to the EC for initiatives related to innovation financing for SMEs in the framework of the INNOVATION Programme.

In 2007, Bruno was appointed Adjunct Professor lecturing on Innovation Management at the Master of Business Administration programme of the John F. Welch College of Business - Sacred Heart University in Luxembourg. He is a regular guest lecturer on topics related to financial instruments at SDA Bocconi School of Management and at European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). Bruno holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management and an MBA and is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian.


Maha Keramane

Head of Positive Impact Business Accelerator, BNP Paribas

Maha joined BNP Paribas in 2006 as a Risk officer, after two brief international experiences - that enhanced her interest in development issues - Microfinance at the WorldBank in Washington and Export finance in Brazil, and a four-year auditing experience at Deloitte.

As Head of Social Business & Microfinance for Europe from 2012, she created and developed a dedicated framework and support strategies for Social Enterprises (SE) within BNP Paribas, building and implementing specific methodologies to analyze SE (credit policy, Social impact measurement...) and developing new financial products and services such as Social Impact Bonds (SIB). After designing and structuring the very first French Social Impact Bond for Adie (job reintegration in rural areas), she structured various other Impact Bonds in France, Belgium and the US. In 2020, Maha launched with the European Investment Fund a dedicated fund to invest in Impact Bonds in Europe and scale the product. Recently appointed Head of the Positive Impact Business Accelerator, Maha and her team continue to design and structure impact bonds on various social, environmental or development issues, as well as coordinate and implement the impact investing strategy for the Group.

Tomas Bokström

Tomas Bokström

Senior Project Leader, RISE Research Institute of Sweden

Tomas leads the Social & Health Impact Center (SHIC) at RISE, an initiative launched in 2018 to establish a national centre of operational and strategic expertise for driving outcomes focused solutions in collaboration with public sector as well as other stakeholders. SHIC’s mission is to support the transition from reactive to proactive and preventive welfare services.

Tomas is also a member of the newly initiated expert committee for social sustainability at Kommuninvest, a major financing organisation for municipalities and regions in Sweden. Before joining RISE, Tomas worked with social investment at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions and has been part of developing the first Social Outcomes Contracts in Sweden.


Mikkel Munksgaard Andersen

PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School

Mikkel Munksgaard Andersen is a PhD fellow at Copenhagen Business School. His research is oriented towards understanding how social impact bonds (SIBs) are developed and operationalized in practice. His research is primarily concerned with SIBs in Nordic countries. The PhD project is based on qualitative case studies and quantitative methods.

Rosie Howlett-Southgate

Rosie Howlett-Southgate

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit Manager

Rosie is the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit Manager at Rethink Ireland. Rethink Ireland opens funds to support social innovations working across Education, Health, Equality, Green Transition and Social Enterprises. Before joining Rethink Ireland, Rosie worked in academia at University College Cork.

Filippo Speach_background 2

Filippo Addarii

Co-Founder and CEO, PlusValue

Filippo Addarii, Co-Founder and CEO of PlusValue, is a serial impact investing entrepreneur & strategy advisor with 20 years’ expertise in leading innovation projects combining sustainable development and social impact. He has worked with the EU, UN, UK government, major corporations and philanthropic foundations. He is team leader of the project aimed to develop the SOC to be presented.

Andreea Anastasiu

Andreea Anastasiu

Executive Director, Government Outcomes Lab, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Andreea leads the implementation of the practitioner-focused work of the Government Outcomes Lab. She works closely with government policymakers and other stakeholders across the private, voluntary and academic sectors in the UK and beyond, to help improve the understanding and practice of impact bonds and other outcomes-focused models of service provision. She coordinates GO Lab’s programme of engagement and events, including the annual international conference on social outcomes, and the network of Fellows of Practice.

Prior to joining the GO Lab, Andreea worked as a Policy Adviser in the Corporate Services team at Oxfordshire County Council. Andreea holds a first class BA in Global Politics and History from Canterbury Christ Church University, and an MA (with Distinction) in International Relations and European Studies from the University of Kent.


Björn Vennema

Co-Founder, Social Finance NL

Björn is the co-founder and Managing Director of Social Finance NL. There he leads a team that works on various aspects in the field of impact investment and building better partnerships and financing structures for social change. He first started in the field of social outcomes contracting while at ABN AMRO, where he was part of the team that brought the Social Impact Bond to the Netherlands. Since then, he worked in different parts of the field, from the ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund, to his time at Social Finance UK and finally at Monitor Deloitte as a Strategy & Innovation consultant for public sector, focusing on social innovation. Since then he has worked on Social Outcomes Contracting and many Social Outcomes Contracts in the Netherlands and abroad. Most of his work is dedicated to finding more effective solutions to society’s most pressing social challenges and financing those. Together with the team at Social Finance NL he also dedicated much effort to further building the ecosystem for social outcomes contracts in the Netherlands and in Europe.


Margarida Anselmo

Partner, Maze - Impact Portugal

With a MSc in Economics and a CEMS master’s in management from Nova School of Business and Economics and University College of Dublin, Margarida is a Partner at Maze Impact, having worked in impact investing for eight years. She leads maze’s work on outcomes-based commissioning and has structured and managed four social impact bonds in Portugal on social protection, employment, and health. More recently, Margarida has overseen the expansion of maze’s work on OBF to developing contexts. Margarida teaches an Impact Investment master course at Nova School of Business and Economics.


Ian Dewae

HOGENT, University of Applied Science Ghent. Research Center for Sustainable Organization

Ian is a Researcher at Research Center for Sustainable Organizations - University of Applied Sciences Ghent.

His broad focus is on: sustainable business models that makes the creation of a better world a natural act, supporting organisations in the transition to an optimal positive impact on an ecological, economic and social level, conducting research into the development of tools to realise a transition to a more sustainable organization and guiding organisations to map sustainability in an integrated manner.

He is responsible for initiating, designing, structuring and implementation of the first Social Impact Bond in Flanders, Belgium. The basic structure has been adapted, by not seeking a service provider as usual, but rather a provision of services, in which the service provider and the investor join forces to jointly tackle a social problem. This will act to generate a dynamic between the social service sector and the investment market. Doing so will yield extremely admirable and challenging projects to resolve social problems.

Ian is currently working on a study to simplify the implementation of SIB, in collaborates with local authorities and policy makers.