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As INDIGO is a community project, we encourage you to re-use our data. This page describes several ways you can download all the public data.  Our Data Dictionary has data definitions for every variable of our Impact Bond Dataset.

Remember if you see any mistakes, or if you have any data that could be added to this data set, please get in touch with us and tell us.

Project Listings CSV

You can download a CSV of all projects. This CSV has one row for every project and many fields. Note this does not have all the data we have about a project, but it can be a good place to start.

Organisation Listings CSV

You can download a CSV of all organisations. This CSV has one row for every organisation and many fields. Note this does not have all the data we have about an organisation, but it can be a good place to start.

Outcomes Fund Listings CSV

You can download a CSV of all outcomes funds. This CSV has one row for every outcomes fund and many fields.

Download all data as individual Excel files

This ZIP file contains one Excel file for every project and organisation. These files contain all the information for a project or organisation. These can be hard to analyse or search, but if you just want to have a browse around all the data this may be a good option.

Download all data as CSV’s by data type

This ZIP file contains all the information as CSV’s. There is one CSV for every data type - for example:

  • projects.csv contains one row for every project
  • projects_delivery_locations.csv contains all the delivery locations for each project. If a project has no data on delivery locations, then it will not appear in this file at all. If a project is delivered at multiple locations, it may appear in this file more than once. Therefore pay attention to the project ID’s if counting entries.

If you are searching or analysing data, you may be able to open only one csv file and do your work. But you may need to cross reference data between 2 files in order to answer your query. The project ID (or organisation ID) is provided for this cross referencing.

Get all data as JSON from the API

There is a public API that lets you download all the data as JSON.

To get a list of data objects available, fetch:

These will provide a list of ID’s and whether the data associated with that ID is public at this time. For each record that is public, you can then fetch another URL to get the data.

Just put the ID of the project or organisation you want to fetch in the URL.