Type of instrument: Payment-by-results (no pre-financing)
Delivery locations: Dominica / Dominican Republic / Jamaica / Saint Lucia / Saint Vicent and the Grenadine
Country classification: Upper-middle-income
Social or environmental challenge
"CARICOM (Caribbean Community) has encouraged its Member States to "promote a regional research and innovation mechanism to enhance development and competitiveness" (CARICOM 2007). Despite this, the regional/ national innovation ecosystems in the region is very immature (Meahjohn 2020; Dohnert et al. 2017), and this limits its ability to adequately address its developmental problems and generate sufficient economic opportunities to develop indigenous funding systems. The EU-funded, HIT RESET Caribbean project is the first regional grant programme run by UWI. Financial and possible technical support from the Outcome Accelerator will allow the creation of OBF proposals to scale up validated technologies. These instruments will allow UWI to approach regional financial institutions (e.g. Caribbean Development Bank), national governments or multilateral financial agencies to put in place a programme to finance these initiatives. The creation of this indigenous funding programme may continue into the future and become a driver of the national/regional innovation ecosystem."
Description of the intervention
"Harnessing Innovative Technologies to Support Resilient Settlements on the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean (HIT RESET Caribbean) project has awarded grants for projects to entities that support planning and management in the coastal zone through stimulation of the development of regional and national systems of innovation. Five grants have activities in Dominica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Additional there are projects in Trinidad and Barbados. This proposal seeks to engage a Consultancy Team to develop collaborative action plans for scaling up of the results of projects supported under HIT RESET Caribbean to ensure their sustainability beyond the life of the project and facilitate regional replication. This may include strategies for commercialization of findings, embedding in national/local government operations and the development of outcome based funding (OBF) proposals. The OBF proposals will be shared with financing entities such as the Caribbean Development Bank or other outcome-based funding entities near the end of the HIT RESET Caribbean project. The impact will be an improved innovation ecosystem which can sustain actions which build resilience in coastal communities. This will also support the development of a regional knowledge hub where knowledge/information/lessons learnt on upscaling can be communicated."
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Lucia
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Saint Lucia
Saint Vicent and the Grenadine
Last data update
Data for this pipeline project was last updated in August 2023
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