Pipeline ID: INDIGO-PL-0137
INVERSOR/GOYN Bogota has identified a valuable opportunity to work with Outcomes Accelerator to address the growing demand for high-demanded Tech talent in Colombia. Our proposal is based on strengthening and scaling the services we have developed in the last two years and a half, extending them to new cities such as Cali and Barranquilla, with a focus on generating systemic change by (1) creating opportunities for Opportunity Youth (NEET) - OY, (2) improving the efficiency of the labor market, and (3) strengthening collective action. (1) QSD provides information and socio-occupational orientation on the highest-demanded Tech careers, foundational skills leveling, and comprehensive training and employment pathways to facilitate their access to formal labor markets. (2) QSD works closely with companies of the digital sector to promote inclusive employment practices and collaborate to strengthen training providers of short-term programs. (3) QSD promotes coordination among key stakeholders in the digital sector through the 4IR Working Group and a shared learning agenda with key decision and policymakers of youth and Tech-skilling programs and policies. The QSD goal is to foster collaboration between Tech talent's demand and supply actors.
Data for this pipeline project was last updated in August 2024
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