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Sharing data about a new impact bond project

If you are not sure whether your project can be defined as an Impact Bond or not, please go to our INDIGO Data Dictionary and check our definition of impact bond. The INDIGO template and GitHub site are also available for users who want to have a deeper understanding of our data model. Have doubts? Our Data Stewards will be happy to help you complete this web form.

Sharing updates about existing impact bond projects

If you are sharing an update on a project that already exists on our dataset, send us an email at Please write ‘Impact Bond update’ in the subject line and explain which project you want to update (ideally, use the INDIGO project identifier), your source of information, the role you played in that Impact Bond (if you had a role) and the specific variables you would like to update.  If you would like to correct some data, you can follow these guidelines as well. 

Sharing data on upcoming outcomes-based instruments (pipeline dataset)

Our pipeline dataset collect data on upcoming outcomes-based instruments. These instruments could be social impact bonds, outcomes funds, payment-by-results projects (no pre-financing), social impact incentives, social impact guarantees or technical assistance and market building programmes. We do not have a web form for these instruments (yet), but you can send us an email at with the data that you want to share and we will be in touch shortly.