New to outcomes-based contracting? Here are some jargon-free introductions to the various types of approaches
This guide offers an introduction to outcomes-based contracting, including its place among other methods of contracting out public services, the theoretical pros and cons, and the evidence to date.
New to impact bonds? This user-friendly guide will explore what impact bonds are, the evidence to date and how they work in practice in different countries around the world.
This guide provides an introduction to relational contracting in the public sector, explaining what it is, the potential benefits and challenges, and how to adopt a relational approach.
This guide introduces outcomes funds. It aims to document and describe outcomes funds around the world and identify lessons for future fund design.
Explore our datasets, case studies and publications to learn more about the latest research on outcomes-based contracting
We are the International Network for Data on Impact and Government Outcomes (INDIGO). Here you can explore our datasets, read our latest news, join our events and find out more about data sharing in the field of social outcomes.
A collection of in-depth case studies of impact bonds around the world
View the latest reports, evaluations and more on outcomes-based contracting
A glossary of key terms and working definitions around impact bonds and outcomes-based contracting
Interested in designing and managing outcomes-based projects? We have prepared some tools and guidance to help
Developed in consultation with a wide range of practitioners to support projects being established under the UK Government’s Life Chances Fund.
We have a range of guidance to support you develop impact bonds, from setting and measuring outcomes, to awarding the contract and pricing outcomes.
We've partnered with Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy(CIPFA) to develop a toolkit for public managers planning to assess VfM of outcomes-based contracting programmes, or any public programme with an outcome-focus.
Are you thinking of running an impact evaluation for your project? Check out our new Impact Wayfinder! We'll help you find the right evaluation for you according to the focus of your organisation and the scale of your project.
Connect with others through our global directory, read the latest blogs, join our events and more.
Read the latest opinion and insights from the GO Lab network
Find out the latest news from the GO Lab and across the sector
Join our events, from webinars, regional events to international conferences
At the GO Lab, we host a selection of peer learning groups that aim to support learning and knowledge on outcome-based approaches. Read more on our different groups and upcoming sessions here.
Authors: Big Lottery Fund
Organisation: Big Lottery Fund
Location: United Kingdom
A glossary of key terms relating to outcome based commissioning and social impact bonds.