Authors: ATQ, Ecorys
Policy Area: Homelessness
Be the Change Indepth Review: This is the sixth indepth review as part of the Commissioning Better Outcomes Fund Evaluation, which is following the development and impact of nine SIBs funded through the programme.
Be the Change is delivered by the Mayday Trust, and aims to support 100 young adults aged 18-30 who are homeless and unemployed to secure and sustain accommodation and engage with education, employment or training. The review focuses on the development and launch of the SIB. One of the most interesting elements of the SIB is that it built on the outcomes and payment structure of the Central Government Fair Chances Fund, which made the Be the Change SIB quicker, easier and cheaper to launch than other similar SIBs, and suggests that replicating Central Government SIB programmes can be an effective route to replicating SIBs locally. The review also highlights a number of lessons learnt for future SIBs, primarily that leadership, measurable outcomes, a shared understanding of the ‘problem’ and the availability of data are all key to successfully launching a SIB, which we have found to be common across many of the SIBs funded through the CBO programme and beyond.