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This Engaging with Evidence session explored insights from the Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond, a poverty alleviation project in Uganda and Kenya.
Engaging with Evidence is a series of interactive online convenings hosted by the Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab) and designed to encourage a greater understanding of the latest evidence on the use of cross-sector partnerships focused on outcomes. The sessions are hosted monthly, and attract a diverse range of practitioners from different sectors, as well as researcher from across the world.
At the GO Lab, we believe in the importance of building independent, high-quality evidence and disseminating it effectively to inform policy decisions and improve practice on the ground. As new evidence around the use of outcomes-based approaches is starting to emerge, we hope that with this series of online convenings we can continue to bridge the gap between evidence and practice, and help foster real dialogue between policymakers, practitioners and researchers in an honest, transparent and constructive way. Both veterans and explorers interested in better understanding the latest evidence around the use of outcomes-based approaches are welcome to join these sessions.
Throughout 2021, Engaging with Evidence will offer an open platform for policymakers, practitioners and researchers around the world to engage with key findings from the latest research and evaluation work in the field. They will have the opportunity to discuss new evidence directly with the authors of research and evaluation studies, hear the practical insights of the partners involved in the development and implementation of the projects under discussion, and reflect on the relevance of the evidence to their own work.
Each session lasts 90 minutes and features contributions from a diverse panel of experts, as well as ample time for contributions and questions from all participants. Discussions at each session are grounded in the findings of a recent evaluation or research study, with additional practical insights brought in by stakeholders directly involved in the work or project under discussion. Each session follows a set format:
Listen to the audio recording of the session.
For the eleventh Engaging with Evidence webinar session, we explored insights from the Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond (DIB), a poverty alleviation project in Uganda and Kenya. Drawing on a recent report by IDinsight, the session explored the learnings and final results from the project.
Launched in 2017, the DIB aimed to raise income levels for more than 14,000 households living in extreme poverty. By using an impact bond model to deliver Village Enterprise’s existing microenterprise graduation programme, it intended to create over 4600 sustainable microenterprises.
This session sought to understand key stakeholders’ experiences around delivering the project. Our guest panelists reflected on the application of outcomes-based funding to poverty alleviation interventions, project adaptation to COVID-19, and the use of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for measurement and evaluation. Finally, we discussed implications for policymakers and practitioners.
Final report: Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond Evaluation Findings (IDinsight)
Case study: Village Enterprise DIB (Government Outcomes Lab)
Case study: Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond: A case study produced as part of the evaluation of FCDO’s Development Impact Bond Pilot Programme (Ecorys & Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
Introductory guide: Impact bonds (Government Outcomes Lab)