This session will feature a deep exploration of the latest practice and evidence around the use of outcomes funds. To date over 20 outcomes funds have been launched and implemented, spanning diverse countries and policy areas of focus. What is the state of play globally with outcomes funds? Where are new funds being developed? What can we learn from the practice to date about how to design and implement outcomes funds effectively?
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
ATQ Consultants
Australian Department of Treasury
Department of Social Services
University of Oxford
This presentation delves into the governance structure of outcomes-based financing (OBF) programs involving various stakeholders, such as impact bonds and outcomes funds. Drawing on insights from the Sierra Leone Innovation …
Education Outcomes Fund
Outcomes funds were identified as early as 2018 in the first meeting of the Impact Bond Working Group as a promising OBF structure. Since then, the landscape has evolved significantly, …
Education Outcomes Fund
Stability and social cohesion are the foundations of improved social outcomes. It is therefore little surprise that populations affected by violence and displacement often have weak services and poor outcomes. While aid to fragile and conflict-affected states has increased, the success of development spending in these contexts remains questionable. There is an urgent need to better understand factors that would constitute more effective support for vulnerable populations.
This session explores the theory and practice of cross-sector collaboration in fragile contexts. Key themes include: results-based partnerships; trust and inclusion; accountability and transparency.
University of Oxford
Regent’s Park College
For the last two years, Instiglio, with the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, has been implementing the Forced Displacement Practice Initiative. We work with government agencies and service …
Working in fragile contexts is challenging: Needs are immense, risks are multi-layered and resources – with the exception of a few high-profile situations – limited. There is often no government-led …
Start Network
This session will showcase a number of initiatives where data on outcomes plays a key role in shaping decisions. Producing and using data on outcome metrics, targets and achievements takes time and effort. In this session, we will discuss what are the metrics and indexes that are used the most, how they feed further decision-making processes and the trade-offs that happen when data is transformed into action.
A Cook Islands approach towards defining and improving turanga memeitaki (wellbeing) for all through our ‘Akapapa’anga (genealogical world view).
The Cook Islands National Sustainable Development Plan 2016-2020 (Cook Islands Government, …
Pacific Regional
Skill Impact Bond (2021-2025) is a pioneering results-based financing (RBF) programme, which seeks to improve employability and livelihoods for India’s youth – particularly young women. The largest development impact bond …
Oxford Policy Management
Oxford Policy Management
Global resources and interest in both outcomes-based financing and impact investing have surged in recent years, and there is an impetus to deepen and widen impact whilst balancing dynamics in …
Since 2008, over 40 countries have implemented national Multidimensional Poverty Indices as official statistics to monitor poverty in all its forms. In addition, the index is being used by various …
University of Oxford
Tiko, a tech-driven African non-profit organisation, will showcase the transformative power of transparent, real-time data within the context of Development Impact Bonds (DIBs), specifically focusing on their efficacy in innovative …
In collaboration with local authorities and county administration boards we are exploring data-driven practices to better address risk and protective factors concerning health and wellbeing for children and adolescents. The …
RISE Research Institute of Sweden
India has a history of strained trust and transparency among civil society, government, and the private sector. Instances of fraud and poor outcomes have plagued development programs. At the same …
British Asian Trust
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