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General overview

Stage of development: Implementation

Policy sector: Employment and training

Date outcomes contract signed: Oct 2019

Start date of service provision: Nov 2019

Capital raised (minimum): USD 1.80m

Service users: 1k+ individuals


The main purpose of the First Palestinian Employment DIB is to match employment opportunities with suitable employees by purposefully training job seekers in employer-demanded skills. The DIB will target an estimated cohort of 1,500 Palestinian job seekers aged 18–29 years (of which at least 30 percent will be women). The DIB will match skills to specific jobs, and create meaningful partnerships with the private sector to ensure sustainability. Private sector organisations will provide training, starting in 2020. They will focus initially on employment opportunities in the healthcare sector, as well as in the industrial and construction sector. Additional training will be rolled out according to market needs, with the goal of delivering sustainable employment outcomes by late 2021. It hopes to bridge the gap between academic outputs and the job-specific skills required in the Palestinian labour market, and to create new jobs for Palestinian youth by mobilising investments that deliver economic and social returns.

Target population

1,500 Palestinian job seekers aged 18–29 years (of which at least 30 percent will be women).



  • Palestine, State of

Service delivery locations

  • Ramallah, Palestine

Outcome metrics

  • Participant intake (output). Service provider enrols youth in DIB-funded training programme. Administrative data.
  • Training start (output). Enrolled youth attends introductory training session. Administrative data.
  • Training completion (output). Enrolled youth successfully completes training modules. Administrative data.
  • Employment placement. Youth begins paid employment. Employment contract, pay slips, timesheets, employer letter.
  • Employment sustainment for 3 months. Youth maintains employment for 3 months. Employment contract, pay slips, timesheets, employer letter.
  • Employment sustainment for 6 months. Youth maintains employment for 6 months. Employment contract, pay slips, timesheets, employer letter.

SyROCCo reports

The following articles are taken from the Systematic Review of Outcomes Contracts Collaboration (SyROCCo) Machine Learning tool.

The tool is a collaboration between the Government Outcomes Lab and machine learning experts from the University of Warwick, that allows you to navigate and explore data extracted from nearly 2000 academic and grey literature publications related to outcomes-based contracting.

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