As part of the Youth Engagement Fund, the SIB aims to help disadvantaged young people aged 14 to 17 to participate and succeed in education or training. This hoped to improve their employability, reduce their long term dependency on benefits, and reduce their likelihood of offending. The programme was typically 13 weeks long, during which a coach developed and implemented an individualised action plan with the young person, which could include resilience training, coaching, employability support, the completion of qualifications and sign-posting to other specialised provision.
Target population
Young people with behavioural, mental health or wellbeing issues aged 14 to 17 in Greater Merseyside
First Improved attitude to school/education
The Participant demonstrates a positive change in their disposition towards learning (e.g. willingness to learn; completing homework); a positive attitude towards classroom peers, and those in authority (i.e. teachers/head teachers). This must be identified and verified by a teacher. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not including school holidays) to generate an Outcome payment. This can only be claimed for participants who were 14/15 years old when they started.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper. The evidence should include details about how the young person’s attitude has improved.
Improved attendance at School
Participants who are ‘Persistent absentees’ means students/pupils absent from school for more than 10% of sessions over the past three terms (authorised or unauthorised absence, as identified by teachers or attendance records). Persistent absence has to decrease to attendance levels associated with the average student, in the Participant’s school year. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not including school holidays) to generate an Outcome payment. This can only be claimed for participants who were 14/15 years old when they started.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper. The letter should include details of the improved attendance level achieved by the young person and indicate the attendance levels associated with the average student in that school year.
Improved behaviour at school
Participants who are at risk of exclusion, or whose behaviour has been identified as poor. This means those “whose behaviour is unacceptable, who break school rules or who fail to follow a reasonable instruction (Section 91 of Education and Inspection Act 2006)”. Behaviour must improve to the standard of behaviour expected of pupils at the school as set out in the school behaviour policy. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not including school holidays) to generate an Outcome payment. This can only be claimed for participants who were 14/15 years old when they started.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper. The letter should include details of the improved behaviour level achieved by the young person and indicate the behaviour levels outlined in the school behaviour policy.
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) accredited Entry level qualifications (below GCSE)
The achievement of a first Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) accredited Entry level qualification (below GCSE). These include the following: Skills for Life* at Entry level, Entry level awards*, certificates and diplomas*, Foundation Learning Tier pathways* and Functional Skills at Entry level*
(*with a minimum of 40 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)). This can only be claimed for participants who were 14/15 years old when they started.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper covering all the information required or exam results slips or notifications from educational establishments; or a copy of the certificate showing the Participant’s name and date of birth, the Awarding Body, the date of achievement/ award and/or course completion date and the qualification accreditation number
Improved attitude to school
The Participant demonstrates a positive change in their disposition towards learning (e.g. willingness to learn; completing homework); a positive attitude towards classroom peers, and those in authority (i.e. teachers/head teachers). This must be identified and verified by a teacher. The improvement has to be demonstrated for a minimum of 13 continuous weeks (not including school holidays) to generate an Outcome payment. This outcome can only be claimed where the participant was 16 years of age when provision commenced.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper; The evidence should include details about how the young person’s attitude has improved
The achievement of a first QCF accredited Entry level qualification (below GCSE) with a literacy and numeracy focus
The achievement of a first QCF accredited Entry level qualification (below GCSE) with a literacy and numeracy focus. These include the following Entry level awards: Entry Level Certificate in Adult Literacy* and Entry Level Certificate in Adult Numeracy* (*with a minimum of 40 Guided Learning
Hours (GLH)). These are Entry Level qualifications (below GCSE) accredited in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) with a literacy and numeracy focus. This outcome is aimed specifically at students aged 16 or above who are working below GCSE level.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper covering all the information required; or exam results slips or notifications from educational establishments; or a copy of the certificate showing the Participant’s name and date of birth, the Awarding Body, the date of achievement/award and/or course completion date and the qualification accreditation number.
The achievement of First QCF Level 1 qualification
The achievement of First QCF Level 1 qualification Achievements counted as Level 1 in the following qualifications include: At least one GCSE pass (at any pass grade), BTEC awards*, diplomas* and certificates* at Level 1, Cambridge Nationals Level 1* and 2*, Key Skills* level 1, NVQ* at level 1, Skills for Life* at level 1, Functional Skills* level 1, Foundation Learning Tier Pathway* at level 1 (*With a minimum of 120 Guided Learning Hours). Can be claimed for either 14/15 or 16+ client group.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper covering all the information required; or exam results slips or notifications from educational establishments; or a copy of the certificate showing the Participant’s name and date of birth, the Awarding Body, the date of achievement/award and/or course completion date and the qualification accreditation number.
The achievement of First QCF Level 2 qualification
The achievement of First QCF Level 2 qualification Achievements counted as Level 2 in the following qualifications include: 5 full GCSE/ iGCSE passes including English and Mathematics at grade A* to C or 2 AS level at grade A to E or; 1 A/A2 level at grade A to E or; 1 NVQ*/full VRQ* pass at Level 2 or higher; or 1 International Baccalaureate pass (*with a minimum of 325 Guided Learning Hours). Can be claimed for either 14/15 or 16+ client group.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper covering all the information required; or exam results slips or notifications from educational establishments; or; a copy of the certificate showing the Participant’s name and date of birth, the Awarding Body, the date of achievement/award and/or course completion date and the qualification accreditation number.
Completion of first QCF Level 3 training/vocational qualifications.
Achievements counted as Level 3 in the following qualifications include: 4 AS level at grade A to E; 2 A/A2 level at grade A to E; 1 NVQ/full VRQ pass at Level 3 or higher (with a minimum of 595 Guided Learning Hours); 1 International Baccalaureate pass; 2 Pre-U Principal Subject or 4 Pre-U Short Course Subjects. Can be claimed for either 14/15 or 16+ client group.
A signed and dated confirmation letter from school/teacher/home tutor on official headed paper covering all the information required; or exam results slips or notifications from educational establishments; or a copy of the certificate showing the participant’s name and date of birth, the Awarding Body, the date of achievement/award and/or course completion date and the qualification accreditation number
Entry into First Employment (16 or more hours per week) with training element (e.g. an Apprenticeship, or work-based learning).
Entry into employment of 16 hours per week or more. For under 18s this includes a part-time education or training element [which counts towards the 16 hours]. A part-time education or training element is defined as at least 280 guided learning hours per year. This employment must have lasted for a minimum of 13 continuous or cumulative weeks in order for it to generate an Outcome payment. Self-employment is also included.
Confirmation letter from employer (Employer Verification Template), supported by evidence e.g. business card, trade invoices, utility bills etc. For self-employed individuals, Self Employment Verification Template must be supported by evidence that the individual is trading e.g. trading bank statements, National Insurance contributions, trade invoices etc. Including for under 18s details of the part-time education or training element is also required to confirm the employment meets the necessary Guided Learning Hours requirement.
Entry into sustained employment – 26 weeks
Sustained employment is where a participant has been in employment and off benefit for a total of 26 weeks: and specifically where a Job Outcome payment has been paid; and thirteen continuous weeks in employment have elapsed between the Job Outcome payment date. Again, for under 18s, a part-time education or training element is required.
Confirmation letter from employer (Employer Verification Template), supported by evidence e.g. business card, trade invoices, utility bills etc. For self-employed individuals, Self Employment Verification Template must be supported by evidence that the individual is trading e.g. trading bank statements, National Insurance contributions, trade invoices etc. Including for under 18s details of the part-time education or training element is also required to confirm the employment meets the necessary Guided Learning Hours requirement.
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