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General overview

Stage of development: Complete

Policy sector: Employment and training

Date outcomes contract signed: Aug 2019

Start date of service provision: Apr 2019

Actual completion date: Apr 2023

Capital raised (minimum): GBP 227k (USD 289.70k)

Max potential outcome payment: GBP 1.44m

Service users: 985 individuals


Individual Placement Support employment services. A tailored, client-centred employment intervention for people with chronic health conditions. It involves the integration of vocational advisers within health teams to optimise return-to-work.

Target population

Individuals with enduring and severe mental health issues



  • United Kingdom

Service delivery locations

  • London Boroughs of Haringey and Barnet

Involved organisations

Configuration of contracting parties:

  • Outcome payer holds contract with Mental Health and Employment Partnership limited (led by intermediary)

Commissioners/outcome payers

Service Providers


Intermediary organisations

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Outcome metrics

  • Metric 1: Engagement: completion of three appointments with the employment co-ordinator and individual or when the vocational profile is completed
  • Metric 2: Job start: individual spends at least one full day (or 4 hours for part time work) in paid competitive employment
  • Metric 3: Job sustainment: individual sustains paid employment for at least 13 weeks where they work < 16 hours per week
  • Metric 4: Job sustainment when individual sustains paid competitive employment for at least 13 weeks where they work >16 hours per week


This project started delivering services in April 2019 and will finish in June 2023. Data was last updated in March 2023. These are interim results.

Outcome achievements

Overall target is based on the high case scenario defined in the Life Chances Fund Final Award Offer or Variation Agreements.

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The intermediary organisation's comment on this graph:

'The metrics selected are in line with the IPS Grow key performance indicator framework, which was developed in collaboration with high fidelity UK IPS services. The metrics chosen represent a balance between achieving the 'key' outcome: entry into work, with a proxy measure for the quality of the outcome: how long the job is sustained. Although we would ideally like to track longer-term sustainments, over the course of MHEP, we have learnt that evidencing sustainment outcomes can be a challenge for providers. Often individuals will lose touch with the service after they secure employment, and obtaining evidence that they are still in work many weeks or months after the last needed support touch point can be challenging and administratively burdensome.

As well as achieving the specified outcomes in each project, conversations with providers and commissioners have suggested that the SIB strucuture may have helped move provider/commissioner relationships beyond 'compliance' toward collaborative problem solving to achieve better outcomes for service users.'

Outcome payments

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The intermediary organisation's comment on this graph:

'In this project, MHEP receives outcomes payments for each outcome achieved. The provider receives a block payment to deliver the service, as well as outcomes payments valued at up to 25% of the contract value from both MHEP and the CCG.

Three main lessons for us delivering this project have been: 1. performance management based on strong, trusting relationships and accurate, accessible operational data can help diagnose and solve issues and drive up performance; 2. strong relationships between providers and commissioners can facilitate necessary adaptation over the life of the contract to e.g. respond to shifting economic context or accommodate new/changed referral pathways into the service. and 3. financial caps can disincentivise over-performance and make it harder to make up for underperformance early in the contract.'

Linked resource by project's intermediary organisation:

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