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General overview

Stage of development: Implementation

Policy sector: Homelessness

Date outcomes contract signed: Sep 2019

Start date of service provision: Jul 2019

Anticipated completion date: Mar 2025

Capital raised (min/max investment): GBP 659.10k (USD 841.16k) - GBP 2.36m (USD 3.01m)

Max potential outcome payment: GBP 14.62m

Service users: 8k+ individuals


Following the introduction of the Homelessness Reduction Act, Local Authorities now have a duty to support single people who are homeless or a risk of becoming homeless within 56 days. The Single Homeless Prevention Serivce (SHPS) was designed and launched to support Local Authorities deliver this support. The service aims to prevent or relieve homelessness through saving an existing tenancy or securing new accommodation. It then supports people to sustain that accommodation over time to ensure long term prevention of homelessness.   

Target population

Single people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless



  • United Kingdom

Service delivery locations

  • London Borough of Brent
  • London Borough of Islington
  • London Borough of Ealing
  • Enfield Council
  • Hackney Council
  • Waltham Forest Council
  • Norfolk County Council

Outcome metrics

  • Metric 1: The successful completion of Personal Housing Plan (PHP)
  • Metric 2: The successful prevention of homelessness
  • Metric 3: The successful relief of homelessness
  • Metric 4: Sustainment of accommodation for eight months with no identified risk of homelessness


Single Homeless Prevention Service started delivering services in July 2019 and will finish in March 2025. Data was last updated in March 2024. These are interim results.

Outcome achievements

Overall target is based on the high case scenario defined in the Life Chances Fund Final Award Offer or Variation Agreements.

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The service provider's comment on this graph:

'SHPS is delivering homelessness support at considerable scale, working across 12 Housing Authorities. The key housing outcome are: supporting people to secure new accommodation typically in the private rented sector (outcome 1), working to save an existing tenancy through family or landlord mediation (outcome 2), and supporting people to sustain that tenancy for at least 8 months (outcome 3). Sustainment for 8 months, and where there is no identified risk of homelessness at that point, is a proxy for long term homelessness prevention – the central outcome of the programme.

The programme is on-track to meet its outcome targets. More referrals than originally expected required new accommodation, which is why the graph shows greater progress on outcome 3 compared to outcome 2. The Life Chances Fund supported projects are now entering their final year, where referrals stop but sustainment work continues for existing participants. The service expects to achieve a higher number of sustainment outcomes in this period, moving towards the project target.

The flexibility of the outcomes contract has allowed the SHPS delivery partnership to find new and innovative ways to achieve housing outcomes for the people it supports. It uses a flexible funding pot to make rent in advance and deposit payments/pay for landlord insurance. It is partnering with private sector letting agents and has begun acting as a guarantor where needed to secure properties. It has introduced newly designed roles to improve the triage and assessment process.'

Outcome payments

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The service provider's comment on this graph:

'The graph shows the growth of the SHPS intervention across new areas. Originally the service secured funding to launch in two London Authorities – following a successful pilot in Brent. Based on the performance of these services, 4 more London Authorities joined the partnership (plan 2), followed by 6 Housing Districts across Norfolk.'

SyROCCo reports

The following articles are taken from the Systematic Review of Outcomes Contracts Collaboration (SyROCCo) Machine Learning tool.

The tool is a collaboration between the Government Outcomes Lab and machine learning experts from the University of Warwick, that allows you to navigate and explore data extracted from nearly 2000 academic and grey literature publications related to outcomes-based contracting.

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