Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond Evaluation Findings
Read IDindight's report on the results of the evaluation of the Village Enterprise poverty graduation program, conducted in Kenya and Uganda between November 2017 and December 2020.
Read IDindight's report on the results of the evaluation of the Village Enterprise poverty graduation program, conducted in Kenya and Uganda between November 2017 and December 2020.
This report is the second in-depth review of the Zero HIV SIB. Its focus is entirely on the impact on the SIB of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and early 2021.
In this briefing, GO Lab's Ian Taylor and Dr Susanne Frick discusses insights from international success stories of cities that bounced back from decline.
The INDIGO Impact Bond Dataset is the most comprehensive publicly available dataset on impact bond projects. This report provides headline insights and analysis based on the dataset, offering an accessible overview of the global landscape.
We have a range of guidance to support you develop impact bonds, from setting and measuring outcomes, to awarding the contract and pricing outcomes.
We are delighted to share our interim report from the primary evaluation of the Life Chances Fund (LCF).
For this Engaging with Evidence webinar session, where explored the use of outcomes-based funding within education interventions in low-income contexts. Watch the recording here.
In this Government Outcomes Lab paper, we explore how social impact bonds (SIBs) adapted service delivery and funding mechanisms in response to Covid-19.
This endline report on the quality of maternal health care from the Utkrisht Development Impact Bond (DIB) includes a series of standalone briefs to enable readers to choose the specific aspect of the DIB to learn about (endnotes for each brief appear
We publish articles on a range of topics related to improving social outcomes. Give them a read and if you'd like to write about something relevant to our work, get in touch!
This Ecorys case study report focuses on the model and early successes and lessons learned during the design, set up and early implementation of the Quality Education India Development Impact Bond (QEI DIB).
This Ecory's case study compiles the findings from the ICRC Humanitarian Impact Bond for Physical Rehabilitation, which funds the building of three new physical rehabilitation centres in Mali, Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Read this in-depth review, which is part of a series produced as part of an evaluation of the Cameroon Cataract Bond and the DFID DIBs pilot programme undertaken by Ecorys.
This Engaging with Evidence session drew on recent research from Government Outcomes Lab and the Sorbonne Business School in Paris (IAE) to explore the role of cross-sector partnerships and innovative financing tools in supporting refugees.
Explore our in-depth collection of case studies on impact bonds and other outcomes-based approaches around the world.
This case study report covers the Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond (DIB), which aims to raise the income levels of the extreme poor through Village Enterprise’s microenterprise development programme, known as a Graduation programme.
Over the summer of 2021, an international group of data and policy enthusiasts came together for a two-week INDIGO Hack and Learn event. This report reflects on the learnings and experiences of the participants.
This Engaging with Evidence session investigated the use of outcomes contracting as a potential approach to foster cohesive cross-sector collaborations to improve social outcomes. Watch the recording here.
This report presents the interim findings of an independent evaluation of the Promoting Independence programme. The University of Sheffield has prepared it, under contract to Sheffield City Council (SCC).
We coordinate a range of geographical and thematically focused peer learning groups which enable people to learn from each other.
Based on Government Outcomes Lab's 2019 report "Are we Rallying Together?," this article explores the increasing adoption of collaborative arrangements within local authorities in the UK and asks whether they signal a new era in public service delivery.
This case study offers insights into the development of the The Hémisphère Social Impact Fund, which aims to provide dedicated shelter accommodation for homeless people, refugees and asylum seekers across France.
For this session, we explored the key lessons from the KMC DIB programme, the results were achieved, what comes next after the DIB, and what this might tell us about the potential to use outcomes-based approaches to scale social interventions.
This paper by former GO Lab colleague Dr Ruth Dixon investigates how outcomes-based performance management regimes operate in the partnerships known as social impact bonds, which bring together partners from the public, private and third sectors.