HomeKnowledge bankINDIGOImpact Bond DatasetPERSPEKTIVE: ARBEIT - Ökonomisches und soziales empowerment von gewaltbetroffenen Frauen (Perspective: Work - Economic and social empowerment for women affected by violence)
PERSPEKTIVE: ARBEIT - Ökonomisches und soziales empowerment von gewaltbetroffenen Frauen (Perspective: Work - Economic and social empowerment for women affected by violence)
Aligned SDGs
PERSPEKTIVE: ARBEIT - Ökonomisches und soziales empowerment von gewaltbetroffenen Frauen (Perspective: Work - Economic and social empowerment for women affected by violence)
PERSPEKTIVE: ARBEIT - Ökonomisches und soziales empowerment von gewaltbetroffenen Frauen (Perspective: Work - Economic and social empowerment for women affected by violence)
Capital raised (minimum): EUR 804.69k (USD 892.45k)
Service users: 75 individuals
During the counseling and placement process, the appropriate type of support is determined on an individual basis by working closely with existing services and programs offered by the Austrian Public Employment Service (Arbeitmarktservice – AMS) and women’s organisations. The participating women are given a safe environment and receive intensive councelling to identify and reduce their barriers to employment. After being successfully placed in employment, the women receive follow-up support.
Target population
Women affected by violence in the state of Upper Austria who have been in contact with a women’s shelter or a Center for Protection Against Violence (Gewaltschutzzentrum) in Upper Austria within the last 24 months, are legal residents of Austria, are of working age, and have valid work permits, do not earn a living wage, or are at risk of losing their jobs due to their stay in a women's shelter or their affection by violence.
Sustained employment. Placement in employment which is subject to social insurance contributions, pays a living wage for at least 20 hours per week and over 12 months (last 6 months continous employment) during the term of the project.
Sustained employment. Prevention of employment loss or placement into employment which is subject to social insurance contributions, pays a living wage for at least 20 hours per week and over 12 months (last 6 months continous employment) during the term of the project.
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