July Oxford POGO Club call
Open Contracting in the UK’s Open Government National Action Plan and Public Procurement Law Reform
Open Contracting in the UK’s Open Government National Action Plan and Public Procurement Law Reform
For this month's session, we will explore Europe's strategy on social value, focusing on sustainable public procurement approaches across the continent.
For our sixth Engaging with Evidence session, we will bring together academic and practitioner perspectives to reflect on the role of outcomes-based financing in building resilient services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Book your place here.
Join us for the first of a series of discussions on data and transparency for social value procurement
For our next Engaging with Evidence session, we will take stock of the state of play of social outcomes contracts in Europe and discuss how and when this instrument can best be used to help address complex social problems.
The focus of this month's call is system level learning in a procurement system. We invite anyone interested in capacity building in public procurement and in collaboration to improve social outcomes.
For the third INDIGO Quarterly Peer Learning Group online meeting, we will conclude and reflect on our Hack and Learn event with a presentation of a Technical and Learning report by our INDIGO team and academic partners.
We're bringing policymakers and data lovers together to tackle pressing policy challenges in the field of social outcomes. Join our show-and-tell session 25 March to hear about this year's outputs, challenges, and insights.
As part of the Engaging with Evidence webinar series, we are hosting an online session on the global landscape of outcomes funds. Click here to find out more and book your place.
This month's Oxford POGO call will consist of two short but substantive discussions. 1. How to leverage procurement to improve social outcomes; and 2. Thinking about framework agreements. Join us!
As part of the Engaging with Evidence series, we are hosting an online session on new evidence and insights from the first development impact bond for maternal health, The Utkrisht Impact Bond.
For our POGO Club February call, we presented the law reform working group’s public response to a the UK Government’s Green Paper: Transforming public procurement. Find out more here.
As part of the Engagement with Evidence series, we hosted an online session on new evidence and insights from four Development Impact Bonds (DIBs) across Africa and Asia on 23 February. Book your place here.
The session will follow and build upon November's meeting discussion on the UK Government's issuing of Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/20
As part of our new online series, Engaging with Evidence, this session will explore new evidence and insights from the implementation of social impact bonds (SIBs) in Latin America. Date: 25th Jan 3:30pm
In the first INDIGO Peer Learning Session of 2021, we will discuss practical data-sharing issues with a social investor, data issues in some academic papers, and a "call to action" to impact bond parties. We will also announce a March 2021 Hack-and-Learn.
Open to anyone interested in capacity building in public procurement and in collaboration to improve social outcomes. Will take place 5th January 2021.
Discussion: ‘Social Value’ in public procurement & contract management
This year we are hosting a virtual social outcomes conference from 1-4th September 2020. Sign up for free and hear from academics, policymakers and practitioners from across the world.